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DOPPLERCON- 2023 cover


star star star star star_half 4.6 (8 ratings)

Instructor: Eminent National and International Speakers

Language: English

Enrolled Learners: 560

Valid Till: 2023-11-25

$42.52 16% OFF

$35.43 including 18% GST

This course is no more available.

It was super succesful with huge no. of registrations.

Thanks to all of you for making it amazing online conference.

Visit Mediflick.com Live courses section to register for upcoming Dopplercon


Dear Friends,
Greeting from the Organizing Committee of the DOPPLERCON 2023 (Sunday 22 October 2023): Theme Doppler Ultrasound Imaging: Doppler ultrasound imaging of the key common everyday practices with leading eminent international and national faculty, who are authorities in their respective field.
We assure you that this would be a great experience and event of the year!

The scientific programme has been designed to focus on key challenging areas of Doppler ultrasound.

The conference is dedicated to challenges in Doppler basics, artefacts, genital tract and upper limb peripheral vascular Doppler, along with a comprehensive review of the applications of Doppler ultrasound in Carotid, Lower limb Doppler, Abdominal Doppler: Liver, Kidney, and Obstetrics.

The overall objective is to provide knowledge and learning to one and all, with ease and accessibility and with an objective to enhance the quality of ultrasound practice, especially for Doppler ultrasound imaging, which is a key stand-alone diagnostic modality, with its unique place, value, and importance.

We have brought together a galaxy of very eminent speakers, who are masters of their chosen field. Their knowledge and practical tips as well as teaching style shall provide new insights, tips and tricks to overcome the challenges in daily Doppler ultrasound practice and to learn new concepts with updated guidelines.

The programme will be conducted on virtual online webinar mode at www.mediflick.com.
Recordings will be available online post-session for a period of 60 days.
Looking forward to seeing you all there!! Be there! We assure you a great learning experience.

Do visit our website www.mediflick.com for more details and online registration.
The brochure and detailed scientific programme are being attached along with.


                                Scientific program

Sr. No.



Faculty Name


8.30-9.00 am

Doppler Ultrasound: How to do it Right

Dr. Alok Varshney


9.00-9.30 am

Scrotam Doppler & Reporting Format

Dr. Vikram Dogra University of Rochester, NY, USA


9.30 – 10.00 am

Penile Doppler & Reporting Format

Dr Zubair Kazi  Saifee Hospital,Mumbai


10.00-10.30 am

Carotid Doppler & Reporting Format

Dr Nitin Chaubal, Mumbai


10.30-11.00 am

Renal Doppler: Current Status and Role in Diagnosis

Dr Nitin Chaubal, Mumbai


11.00 – 11.40 am

Peripheral  arterial Doppler- Lower limb

Dr Tarun Grover, Gurgaon Haryana.


11.40-12.20 pm

Peripheral venous Doppler (Upper limb and Lower limb) & Reporting Format

Dr. Ladbans Kaur, Chandigarh


12.20 – 1.00 pm

Liver Doppler: CLD Portal Hypertension Budd Chiari EHPVO & Reporting Format/Doppler evaluation of the hepatic vasculature in liver disease

Dr.M.A. Mateen, Nitya Diagnostic Centre, Hyderabad


1.00 -1.30 pm




1.30-2.00 pm

Liver Doppler: Post Transplant Liver Evaluation & Reporting Format

  Dr. Alka Singhal, Medanta Medicity Delhi NCR


2.00-2.40 pm

Role of Doppler in Infertility

Dr. Sonal Panchal Nagori Institute Ahmedabad


2.40 - 3.10 pm

Dialysis AV Fistula Assessment & Reporting Format

Dr. Mrudula Bapat Horizon Hospital Thane Mumbai


3.10- 3.50 pm

Approach and Special TIPS for Doppler Evaluation and Optimisation in Obstetrics: Key Skills

Prof. S Suresh Mediscan Chennai


3.50-4.30 pm

Obstetric Doppler in I, II & III trimester: Which Vessel: How and when

Prof. S Suresh Mediscan Chennai


4.30-5.10 pm

Role of Doppler in Diagnosis and Management of Early-onset growth restriction & Reporting Guidelines

Dr Bijoy Balakrishnan Specialist Fetal Medicine, CIMAR (Edappal and Cochin)


5.10- 5.50 pm

Role of Doppler in Diagnosis and Management of Late-onset growth restriction & Reporting Guidelines

Dr Bijoy Balakrishnan Specialist Fetal Medicine, CIMAR (Edappal and Cochin)


5.50-6.00 pm

Closing Remarks



                            Frequently asked question

1. How to Join/ How to access recording of lectures

Ans: After successful purchase, this course will be added to your courses.

You can access Live session/ recording in the following ways:

  • From Web browser -
    • After successful login, go to the “My courses” Section (just left to the login in the right upper corner) and click the course and watch from there.
  • Android / iOS App
    • Download the Android / iOS app and after a successful login go to “Library” in the lower bar and click the course and watch from there.

For other devices, you can access courses through the web browser of your device.

Kindly note: Join the Whatsapp group of live course/conference after the registration for better communication and to remain updated.

We also give some special discount for participant of the concern course in future courses, that too updated in whatsapp group and in Email


2. wwill the course link be sent to us on E-mail or whatsapp?

Ans:  No direct link will be sent to your E-mail or Whatsapp.

Though we will send you reminder Email and Whatsapp message to join live session.
To get E- mail reminder mark Mediflickinfo@gmail as non-spam, otherwise Email reminder may go to spam folder and you may not be aware of that.


3. I forgot the password to log in on Mediflick.com, what to do?
Ans: Just reset your password. You will get password reset mail. In case you don’t find password reset mail in your inbox, check in spam folder


4. I am unable to log in. I get this message stating I can access only from 10 devices, what to do?

 Ans:  Log in on every browser or app is considered one device so try to log out from other browser. If issue still persist then kindly E-mail to us at Mediflickinfo@gmail, we will manually reset no. of devices in 1-2 working days usually.


5. When I will get my certificate of completion of the course/ conference?

Ans:  You can manually download your certificate after the completion of the course

For conference, We manually Email certificate after few days of conference


6. When I will get recording of the live course if available?

Ans:  Usually it takes 24-48 hours to access recording after the live course. But in case of any technical issue it may take some longer time. Duration of access to recording is counted after it’s available for participants.


7. I could not complete my course due to some reason, is it possible to get extended access of the recording?
 Ans:  It’s not possible to extend the recording after it ends. You should purchase longer duration access option in the course if available or you may have to repurchase the course.

In case of any further question or if you feel any issue kindly write to us and also send us screenshot or video of the issue on Mediflickinfo@gmail.com 

Keep Learning


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